I bet I don't get this question more than President Obama!
1. Genetics - Numero Uno! Genetics is the one area that NO ONE has control over. What God gave you at birth is what you have. I have no answer for why some people workout for 2 weeks and get "shredded" and why others simply cannot gain the physique they seek after years & years of training. Genetics can be sometimes an unfair advantage and even a slap in the face to those who have stuck with the plan and seen little result. I mean anyone who can eat McDonalds 4x's a week and still look like this, definitely has a 1 up genetically.
Now if you happen to be one of those people who don't have favorable genetics, you still can get a good general idea through some of the things i'll discuss in the paragraphs to come. It is simply listed as a variable that cannot be explained or reasonably accounted for when training.
Training by and large is about 2 things: Stress and Adaptation. Our bodies interpret everything we do as a "stress" and subsequently develops a response or an "adaptation" to that stress. Going further, the specific volume & intensity of the actual stress becomes of the utmost importance. If your training volume and or intensity (or stressors) aren't arranged properly, the adaptations will be all out of whack. So it's a good idea to make sure you have a professional look over your program to make sure it's right for you. The same stressors given to 2 different people can and most times do present two totally different responses. We see this many times in group training classes.
So if you and "the girl in the front" are doing the same fitness class and she's getting results and you're not, you may have to re-think your approach.
This leads me to my next variable for determining when you can potentially see results:
2. Poor planning - Poor planning or improper use of the proper planning are really one and the same. If you have a poor plan, like anything else in life, poor results will follow. You have to work from the ground up.
When planning your training you must look at a few factors: (This list is paraphrased from the book Ultimate MMA Conditioning by Joel Jamieson. A fantastic source of information for anyone looking to take their conditioning to new levels.)
- The type of training you're actually looking to do.
- The best training method to meet your needs. (where most people go wrong)
- The volume and intensity of your training based on your CURRENT level of fitness
- Your exercise selection best suited to the above three items.
Once your plan is solidified based on the previous factors, you'll have a better timeline on when you can see results.
3. Unrealistic goals - I am a big believer that anything is achievable to the person willing to put forth the effort. With that being said, unrealistic goals will never have a realistic timeline. Consider your level of focus, commitment and relative ability to achieve that goal. In addition, you must take a mathematical approach. Loosing 20lbs is a great goal for many, but taking it in bite sizes will give you a better understanding on when you can see results.
This little guy might have to re-adjust his plan
4. Total time training - There are 168 hours in a single week. If you consider the average person spends roughly 50hrs sleeping and another 40-50hrs working, you'll see there is a considerable amount of training time. If you train for 3 hours a week and spend the other 165 goofing off, you can expect your results to tarry. However, if you spend that same 3 hours training and use the other 165 for quality rest, good meals and a lifestyle devoted to your goals, you'll see them much quicker. (3 hours was an example. Please don't take that as me saying you should only train 3 hours a week.)
In general you may not be training enough or doing enough to to see the results you desire. For example: I had a kid and his dad ask me for advise about gaining weight. The kid had tried everything and couldn't gain a pound. When we began talking about his food intake they were both adamant that he was eating more than enough. Meanwhile this kid's idea of a big meals were: 2 eggs and a bagel for breakfast, 2 PBJ's for lunch and 2 chicken cutlets with rice and salad for dinner. After some friendly advice and a little reality check, I got them to see that their idea of "enough" was inaccurate. Without getting into specifics I basically told them that until you see the scale weight go up, you're eating enough. This hold true with so many of us. We have conditioned our acceptance of what we do as an accurate barometer for success when in actuality we may need to be doing more or less.
5. Discipline - Discipline or lack thereof will throw off the timeline for training results. You cant train hard for 1 week and then completely lose your discipline and off schedule for a week. Do the little things and keep doing them. I find it funny how the people with the shortest attention span for their goals ask when they can see results the most frequently. Training (regardless of what its for) takes discipline and not having the ability to stick to the script will show up when its results time.
6. Consistency - Once you've gotten your discipline in check, now its time to get in the groove and stay consistent. Similar to people who lack discipline are those who lack focus and lose their consistency. If you want to be faster, but you haven't consistently put in the work, it will simply take you longer to get faster.
Notice of everything mentioned here, 5 out of the 6 are controlled by YOU. We cannot help our genetics, that's a fact. But we can make sure our programming is right, we're spending the necessary time training as well as being disciplined and consistent. Many times people will look to others for why they cannot see results fast enough. They'll get program A.D.D. and lose focus or start another type of program or diet every few weeks. This is a recipe for disaster. Remember, training is about creating a specific type of stress to induce a specific adaptation. In order to get results, you have to do the right things to your body over time. No one can can give a sure fire time line on when results truly come. Just doing the right things and understanding your specific circumstances will enhance your ability to play the biggest part in your reaching that goal.
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