Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Post workout stretching has been a topic of debate recently in the strength & conditioning community. Some experts believe that it's of no use and others have reason to believe that it does. We here at Key 2 Sports training use pre & post workout stretching because my beliefs are that while the athletes are under my control I want to teach them how to be successful at home. Most athletes are not thinking of what they did here after they leave and very few take the time to do the extra things to make themselves better. So we give them the routines that they can follow at home/school/vacation etc. Once these things get ingrained in their minds ad they believe in them, they can begin to see the benefits of mobility/flexibility work and all other forms of training. 

Here is the short list of post workout stretches we use to help keep our athletes safe and mobile from workout to workout. 

This video shows 4 stretches:

1)  AIS (active isolated stretching) hamstring. Really helps to lengthen the short head of the biceps femoris (small muscle that lies right behind the knee), where most hamstring stiffness occurs. 

2) Yoga Glute/Piriformis stretch - great stretch to isolate & lengthen the piriformis which is small deeply inserted gluteal muscle that is responsible for  lateral rotation and stabilization of the hips. By stretching this muscle athletes can alleviate back pain, gluteal tightness and gain better control of the femur during athletic activity.

3) Cossack Squatting - great stretch for getting the muscles deep in the groin and adductors. I feel using a little forward action by placing your hands on the ground helps get a little deeper stretch. 

4) classic Hip Flexor static stretch - simple one of the best stretches one can do to lengthen the muscles of the anterior hip and improve range of motion in the legs.

These are our post work-out favorites. Please try them when you have a chance, they have worked great for our athletes.


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“When it comes to understanding what it takes to succeed, Cornell Key has proven to me over and over again as one who possesses the knowledge. Cornell has all the tools and skills that you look for in a trainer when it comes to speed … agility … strength and overall power, he knows what it takes to maximize a clients true abilities. Whether female, male, adults or a youth – Cornell has the ability to push you to your limits by understanding your capabilities while understanding how you are as a person while getting you to that level. There are just a few performance trainers who I can say I respect and have true belief in and Cornell Key happens to be one of them. Whether looking for speed or strength enhancements – Cornell Key has the key ingredients in his philosophies. Cornell has proven his athletic ability and prowess as an All American defensive lineman at Monmouth University, and now he’s passing along on his knowledge and skills to his clients in their quest to reaching their goals. Cornell Key’s clients tend to have that “NO GOAL IS UNREACHABLE” attitude … he has to be a parents and coaches dream come true.


I have been a soccer player nearly all of my life. I have been told on many occasions I have a lot to offer the sport. However, I still had weaknesses that I needed to improve to get that extra edge I needed to be more successful on the field. When I came to Key 2, my main objectives were to get stronger so I would be able to play against the bigger players, increase my endurance to maintain the same quality of play throughout the game, increase my speed to run down the ball, and to jump higher above the rest being I am only 5'3" to accomplish those headers. I have only been at Key 2 for 6 months now and within that short period of time I have learned so much to improve myself. The trainers concentrate on your weaknesses while also maintaining and increasing your strengths. I learned how to run correctly which increased my speed as well as giving me the endurance I had been lacking. The strength in my upper body has increased to hold back the bigger players. Best of all, I can jump as high as the goal post now and I had a header to win the hardest game in an International Tournament. If it was not for Key 2 and their commitment to me, I do not believe I would be as strong a player going into the upcoming season. Thank you Cornell, I appreciate all you have done for me. Laura Domena