The other thing I have seen is that by & large, people don't really know what they're asking for. People say they want to lose weight and get fit but succumb to the pressures of hard work and consistency. I can't count how many people I've trained that workout for 2 weeks and then say "when am I going to see results?". I relay the message all the time that results come through hard work, persistence and consistency. One cannot be completely sedentary for 5 years and expect to drop 20lbs in 2 weeks. Is it possible? I suppose. But not practical and not likely whatsoever.
BUT for those of you who have made the serious decision to get serious about your fat loss, here are 6 things to strongly consider:
Before I get started realize this list is not an exhaustive list, just practical in that by adhering to these principals you can see and expect great results. Ultimately the work, or lack there of, is up to you. You will get out what you put in...
#1 - Self Discipline! - In order to embark on the precious journey of changing your life & body you must begin the process with determining to have self-discipline. If you don't have this all too important element, you're bound to waste time and money ending up in a return to the sedentary lifestyle you were accustomed to living previously.
Discipline is something that you either have or you don't. If you're one who doesn't have it (you know who you are) you need to hire a PERSONAL TRAINER or train with a group of like minded individuals. The reason being is accountability. Some one needs to hold you accountable for your actions & training with groups or professional trainers can provide the kind of supervision, accountability and motivation you need to get through hard times.
#2 - Set Goals - Goal setting seems like a "no brainer" but most people have not grasped this very simple concept. Set goals & specific goals. Everyone's favorite goal is losing 20lbs. I love that goal. For some its a great start. For others, its more than enough. There's only one problem I have when people tell me they want to lose 20lbs. WHEN? I am a firm believer in the fact that the when is just as important as the what and maybe even more important sometimes. Why? because 20lbs can be lost over a 1 year period or it can be lost over a 1 month period. But that simple question can make all the difference in how you approach losing the 20lbs. Your goals should always have a what & a when.
ex: I need to lose 20lbs by January 15th.
Your workout style is determined by the "what" while your determination & motivation is determined by the "when"! I know i'll get weary trying to lose 20 pounds. But when I have 4 weeks to do it. The calendar is set and mentally I'm prepared to bust my hump for a month. The other great thing about the when is, it breaks up the workouts into mini-cycles in that as each goal is achieved you have a chance for a new motivation for a bigger goal. On the flip side, you may not reach your goal by the target date. So like any thing else it gives you a chance to re-evaluate and adjust your plan. But either way then "when" is critical.
#3 - Information Diet! Many of the people I speak to are over saturated with information. 15 different doctors or coaches with 15 different "proven" systems. This causes what I call information A.D.D. There is so much good information that one can get attention deficit disorder like symptoms when looking to get into a program. Don't get me wrong, I encourage researching the proven systems that will fit your personality and lifestyle. People should do their due diligence, however, if the information is coming in faster than you can decipher, it may be time for a little information cut back. Bottom like, pick a program and get started. If you find out that adjustments need to be made along the way then make them. The point is not to get caught up watching infomercials all day and never getting to the actual point.
#4 - The 4 EATS -
- Eat quality - choose quality calories over non-quality calories. By now you know what foods these are. Saturated fats, boxed foods, things high in sugar etc. Choose grilled or baked over fried and stay away from excessive drinking of highly carbonated soft drinks. Be wise here.
- Eat frequently - it is recommended that one eats every 2-3 hours. This helps improve metabolism and improves caloric expenditure (along with regularly working out and being active). Keep in mind that quality foods may not satiate you as long as poor food choices. Your body will tend to use the quality foods and therefore is looking forward to the next quality meal. Foods high in sugar and 'bad' carbs, will fill you up longer thus throwing off your ability to eat on cycle.
- Eat boring - This one does not mean NEVER eat an exciting meal, full of color and taste. I simply mean to stick to that same principles every day at every meal (SNORE). CONSISTENCY OF THE NORM! Foods should be relatively high in protein (fish, lean poultry or red meat & eggs), healthy carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, healthy whole grains, oatmeal and quality fruits like bananas & strawberries), & healthy fats (fish oil pills, butter, almonds & mayonnaise to name a few).
- Eat leftovers - This one might be a lifesaver for most. Left overs will help you more than you know!
- pre-cooked meals will be more convenient
- they can help you in times of "weakness", preventing you from eating fast food
- you already know the portion size and or nutritional value of the meal, its not a mystery.
- you save $$ and time.
- there are many other reasons for left overs....bottom mine is eat them and enjoy success!

#6 - Push Yourself! -Nothing worth while comes easy. I am amazed at the amount of people who still lack in this area. They have everything else but the ability to push themselves to higher levels. Some need to push themselves to even get to the workout. (If this is you, you're NOT who I'm talking about. You need to check yourself at #'s 1 and 2.) I'm talking about those who need help pushing themselves to that new level during their workouts. Some of you may be thinking, "thats what we pay the trainer for". While this is true, there still needs to be some level of determination and drive that allows you to push through everything the trainer gives you. People that give in to that feeling when they've gotten outside their comfort zones. People who cringe when they here the phrase "one more set" or "5 more reps". Your body can handle a lot more than your mind will allow you to believe. Push yourself and don't fall back for fear of being exhausted. What you gain in return is well worth the investment of temporary pain. Try it, and win!

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