Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today's Encouragement: Slay Your Giant(s) TODAY!

 Everyone has giants in their lives. Everyone has battled with some one or something that challenges you to the very core of your being. I dont know about you, but today I have chosen to SLAY MY GIANT. This blog is for those of us who live in the real world and who deal with real issues. This is just a little encouragement for the remainder of your week, slay your giant....and prepare to do it again tomorrow & every day forward for the rest of your life.

In our quest to build better athletes & people altogether, we realize that life happens. There are challenges that come in many different shapes and sizes. There are challenges, reminders, fears, disappointments, regrets etc that we all go through on a daily basis. Please be encouraged today to slay that giant that opposes you. The one who's telling you you'll never loose THAT much weight, you'll never be THAT fast, you'll never be THAT strong. Those are lies from your giant, your enemy. The only way to beat him is to take action. Keep pressing on when the going gets rough & it seems as if there's no more to gain. Keep pushing when you can't see it in the mirror or when you can't see it on the scale. Keep Pressing! Because the day you given is usually closer to the time of your personal breakthrough.

How do I know this you ask??

Well the giants usually get bigger the closer you get. Adversity comes faster, harder and more frequently when the goal is near completion. You have what it takes inside of you to get what you know is there for you, JUST DON'T GIVE UP!

In addition to being persistent, remember not to compare. Don't compare yourself to your friends, associates or even your enemies. We all know someone who can eat whatever they want and still lose the weight. Someone who hasn't touched a weight in years and add's 20lbs of muscle in a week. The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to them. You have to make your own adjustments, set your own standards and accomplish your own goals.

Lastly, you must continue to live this way every day. Your giant never dies! Lucky us...He never dies. He always comes back the next day ready for full out war again. You have to prepare yourself to battle him everyday & win over him every day. He can't Kill you, but he can force you to concede.

Please be determined to never give up, never compare yourself to others and stay prepped for the fight, not just to fight but to WIN.

In the end you will see the results you desire and achieve goals far beyond what you ever imagined!



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“When it comes to understanding what it takes to succeed, Cornell Key has proven to me over and over again as one who possesses the knowledge. Cornell has all the tools and skills that you look for in a trainer when it comes to speed … agility … strength and overall power, he knows what it takes to maximize a clients true abilities. Whether female, male, adults or a youth – Cornell has the ability to push you to your limits by understanding your capabilities while understanding how you are as a person while getting you to that level. There are just a few performance trainers who I can say I respect and have true belief in and Cornell Key happens to be one of them. Whether looking for speed or strength enhancements – Cornell Key has the key ingredients in his philosophies. Cornell has proven his athletic ability and prowess as an All American defensive lineman at Monmouth University, and now he’s passing along on his knowledge and skills to his clients in their quest to reaching their goals. Cornell Key’s clients tend to have that “NO GOAL IS UNREACHABLE” attitude … he has to be a parents and coaches dream come true.


I have been a soccer player nearly all of my life. I have been told on many occasions I have a lot to offer the sport. However, I still had weaknesses that I needed to improve to get that extra edge I needed to be more successful on the field. When I came to Key 2, my main objectives were to get stronger so I would be able to play against the bigger players, increase my endurance to maintain the same quality of play throughout the game, increase my speed to run down the ball, and to jump higher above the rest being I am only 5'3" to accomplish those headers. I have only been at Key 2 for 6 months now and within that short period of time I have learned so much to improve myself. The trainers concentrate on your weaknesses while also maintaining and increasing your strengths. I learned how to run correctly which increased my speed as well as giving me the endurance I had been lacking. The strength in my upper body has increased to hold back the bigger players. Best of all, I can jump as high as the goal post now and I had a header to win the hardest game in an International Tournament. If it was not for Key 2 and their commitment to me, I do not believe I would be as strong a player going into the upcoming season. Thank you Cornell, I appreciate all you have done for me. Laura Domena